
Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Return of Catman do 

I had a bit too much to drink tonight at Devil's Canyon, and wouldn't you know it but here I am updating the Catman do Blog. I am glad that I have finally made time (as always, with Nate's nagging assistance) to restore this little corner of the web back to operation, more or less how it was 13 years ago. Most of our catalogue is finally on our YouTube channel, including the first wide release of Liquid Strike 3, ten years in the making. Plus a never-before-seen LS3 "highlight reel" from Robert. I've also restored the Catman do Homepage to a new URL and updated it to reflect our current reality.

Here's to 13 years of goofing off and staying up late when we should have been doing our homework. I hope you enjoy these artifacts of our past.


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