
Sunday, March 28, 2004

The Scene 1 rough cut is underway. I can't complete it until we shoot the outpost sentry segment, which we haven't yet scheduled. Remember, you can track our progress on the Catman do Homepage.

We're planning to shoot Scene 2 pick-ups this Friday (April 3rd). We should have the Scene 2 final cut ready in about two weeks.

The Independent Film Club is meeting on Monday the 29th. We will be showing a trailer for Expendable, so come to Mr. Craig's room, B-7, at lunch to see it. I'm also planning to show The Duel and Moonlighting (Not Catman do, but still fun).

Sunday, March 21, 2004

New Expendable Scene 1 production stills posted.

Neight watches from behind as Garrett and a rather goofy-looking Chris work out the action of the scene.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Production for Scene 1 of Expendable has now officially begun. The screen tests we ran tonight forecast a good shoot tomorrow morning. No bugs, no police, no water, no Arkadiy and Tyler eating our food and taking our props. Okay, maybe Tyler will eat some, but we have a whole fridge left.

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